Collaborative Online International Learning: Experiences in Higher Education
pp. 7-24 | Published Online: December 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2024.134.1
Raquel Fernández-Cézar , Raúl Prada-Núñez , Natalia Solano-Pinto
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Background/purpose. Collaborative Online International Learning projects have emerged as practices that connect students from different countries. Such actions can be appealing to universities but also arouse uncertainty. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to explore COIL experiences in HE reported in the scientific literature in terms of implementation and effectiveness, as well as the implications for the future of HE.
Materials/methods. Following the PRISMA protocol, the systematic literature review was conducted in the Web of Science and Scopus databases from 2000 to 2023. The search was conducted on the titles and abstracts of the documents, and Boolean operators were utilized.
Results. The findings regarding the implementation of COIL experiences in HE showed that they were concentrated in the last 4 years, with this form of learning being framed in social constructivism and not in a theoretical, epistemological framework. In the reported projects, intercultural and linguistic competence development was mainly promoted and implemented in English. Besides, assessment in COIL activities focused on the acquisition of intercultural competencies and satisfaction with the project undertaken. However, regarding effectiveness, the studies did not provide comparative results regarding the effects of different research designs or methodologies. The results also revealed that existing research did not typically suggest implications for the future of HE.
Conclusion. We conclude that COIL practices are planned from a practical point of view, although based on social constructivism, and these experiences involved a prevalence of English and Anglo-Saxon culture. The implementation experience is well documented but suffers from a weak design, without control groups and with an incoherent definition of variables. It also presents some challenges, such as the lack of professional recognition for professors and the need for research designs that examine their effectiveness for students learning and their contributions to internationalization.
Keywords: active learning, COIL, digital technology, systematic literature review, university education
Grammar Gains: Transforming EFL Learning with ChatGPT
pp. 25-41 | Published Online: December 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2024.134.2
Behnam Behforouz , Ali Al Ghaithi
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Background/purpose. The present quantitative study investigated the effectiveness of utilizing ChatGPT as an instructional tool to enhance the learners` grammatical proficiency.
Materials/methods. The study involved 60 Omani intermediate EFL learners randomly divided into three groups with 20 learners. The control group received traditional face-to-face instruction. Experimental group 1 received in-class instruction supplemented by ChatGPT, which provided feedback on grammatical structures. Experimental Group 2 engaged in fully online instruction, with ChatGPT as the primary feedback facilitator for grammatical tasks. Some researcher-made grammar tests were designed and piloted before the study to ensure the reliability and validity of the assessment tools.
Results. Statistical analysis indicated that all groups improved grammatical proficiency from the pretest to the posttest. However, the progress observed in Experimental Group 1 was statistically more significant. The comparison of the pretest and delayed posttest scores revealed a sustained improvement in the scores of Experimental Group 1, indicating the long-term efficacy of combining in-class instruction with ChatGPT feedback. In contrast, the scores of both the Control Group and Experimental Group 2 showed a notable decline from the posttest to the delayed posttest, suggesting limited retention of grammatical knowledge in these groups.
Conclusion. ChatGPT makes it possible to give particular feedback that adapts to the process, enhancing motivation and facilitating learning in various ways. The research validates the educational advantages of ChatGPT but recommends additional studies on its usefulness for working with various populations of students, various types of grammar as well as the quality of students and their teachers' attitudes and abilities to utilize technology.
Keywords: ChatGPT, EFL learning, quantitative study, grammar gains
The Impact of Comprehension Activities Supported by Web 2.0 Tools on Students' Reading and Listening Comprehension Achievement
pp. 42-60 | Published Online: December 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2024.134.3
Aysenur Kolcubasi , Esra Karakus Taysi
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Background/purpose. Developing language skills and keeping up with technology have become crucial for the efficient use of technology in language education. This study examined the effect of teaching reading and listening skills with activities supported by Web 2.0 applications on fifth-grade secondary school students’ reading and listening comprehension.
Materials/methods. The study used the pretest-posttest control group quasi-experimental design, one of the quantitative research methodologies, with the participation of 72 fifth-grade students at a state secondary school in Istanbul. The lessons in the experimental groups were conducted using activities for comprehension skills from the textbook supported by Web 2.0 applications, while the lessons in the control group were conducted using activities based on the Turkish textbook. The data was collected using the “Reading Comprehension Achievement Test” developed by Karasu et al. (2013) and the “Listening Comprehension Achievement Test” developed by Bulut (2013).
Results. Although there was no significant difference between the pre-test scores of the students in the experimental and control groups, there was a difference between the post-test scores. Accordingly, teaching comprehension activities supported by Web 2.0 applications effectively improved students' achievement at greater reading and listening comprehension levels.
Conclusion. Web 2.0 applications, which facilitate the development of basic language skills, enrich the course content, and enable students to actively participate in class, should be widely used to improve reading and listening comprehension skills. Teachers should use Web 2.0 tools in their teaching as an important tool to make learning environments more participatory and updated, in line with the goals of the lesson and the individual needs of students.
Keywords: Web 2.0 tools, listening and reading comprehension, student achievement
Establishing a Dynamic-Transitional Model of Personal Support in Mentoring
pp. 61-83 | Published Online: December 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2024.134.4
Beatrix Fűzi , Andrea Fischer , Gabriella Simon , Krisztina Majzik-Lichtenberger
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Background/purpose. The European Union’s approach to teacher mentoring emphasizes three primary dimensions: professional, institutional, and personal support. Personal support (PS) is deemed crucial for teacher candidates and newly qualified teachers. Although various elements have been identified, a comprehensive model of PS is lacking. This paper aims to bridge this gap by creating a theoretical framework for PS that can enhance mentoring practices and mentor training.
Materials/methods. A unique combination of research methods was employed. A semi-structured expert group interview was conducted to collect the most important elements of PS. Mind mapping was used to identify the interconnections among these elements. Based on the mind map, an integrative literature review was conducted to assess the importance of the identified elements and their interrelationships, which can establish a coherent theoretical model of PS.
Results. The literature review confirmed the significance of the five areas—change, learning, emotions, professional identity, and reflection. Their interrelationships, in various pairings, were also supported by the literature. These results culminated in an original theoretical system: the dynamic-transitional model of PS.
Conclusion. The paper suggests practical applications of the dynamic-transitional model for mentors, the development of mentor training, and further research.
Keywords: mentoring, new teachers, personal support, dynamic-transitional model
The Impact of a Blended Learning Model on Undergraduate University Students' Digital Literacy Skills: Empirical Evidence from Higher Education
pp. 84-101 | Published Online: December 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2024.134.5
Mohammed El Messaoudi
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Background/purpose. Morocco’s recent higher education reform, Pacte ESRI-2030, lays emphasis on digital skills, a major component of Power Skills, as a catalyst for student success. Pursuant to this, the current study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of a blended learning model in improving undergraduate students’ digital literacy skills.
Materials/methods. A quasi-experimental design was deployed to investigate the impact of a blended learning intervention on the digital skills of 15 S5 Educational Linguistics students. Participants were administered a pre-DSAT and a hybrid learning experience combining in-class instruction and an online SPOC. A post-DSAT was then allocated to measure learning outcomes.
Results. The paired-sample t-test revealed a significant increase in DSAT scores (p = .035) from the pre-test (M = 206.67) to the post-test (M = 258.10), indicating improved digital skills. Cohen's d of 0.79 suggests a large effect size. Participants maintained high performance on the final exam, suggesting sustained learning.
Conclusion. The blended learning model effectively improved the participants’ digital literacy skills. These results contribute to the growing evidence supporting the efficacy of blended learning in developing key digital skills.
Keywords: blended learning, digital literacy, higher education, Morocco, Pacte ESRI-2030
An Investigation of Teachers’ Perspectives on Favoritism in Schools: Implications for Educational Policy and Practice
pp. 102-114 | Published Online: December 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2024.134.6
Ismail Bayram , Yakup Duyar , Turgut Karakose , Halil Ibrahim Kaplan
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Background/purpose. In the literature, favoritism is often discussed as a form of corruption and an unethical practice. Studies related to favoritism in educational organizations have found that favoritism negatively impacts educational institutions. This study aims to investigate how teachers defined and perceived favoritism at school as well as their views on preventing such acts by the school principal.
Materials/methods. A qualitative, phenomenological approach was used in the study. Data was collected from forty-five teachers who had previously been exposed to acts of favoritism using a semi-structured interview form. Participants were selected using a purposive, criterion-based sampling method. Data was analyzed using descriptive and content analysis.
Results. The results indicated that teachers defined favoritism as preferential and unfair treatment of people based on personal interests, friendship, gender, kinship, political views, union affiliation, teaching subject, professional experience, or race. The participants reported that school principals practiced favoritism through their choice of adjustments to class schedules and duty days, unfair distribution of extra duties, unfair response to leave requests, being unfair in tolerating mistakes, allowing for flexible class entry and exit times, or modifications to class assignments. To prevent such practices, the teachers suggested that the criteria for becoming a principal be regulated to ensure merit-based appointments and democratic management in addition to providing in-service training and supervision. They also suggested that school principalship should be subject to rotation to avoid acts of favoritism.
Conclusion. These results indicate that school principals should be appointed using more objective criteria so that factors such as union affiliation and political views are not prioritized over merit. Teachers and school principals’ awareness of favoritism and its negative results could also be raised by providing in-service training and explicit norms to support justice in schools.
Keywords: principal, favoritism, nepotism, cronyism, patronage, school
Global Citizenship Education: A Systematic Review of Educational Research
pp. 115-131 | Published Online: December 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2024.134.7
Noelia Santamaría-Cárdaba , Katherine Gajardo-Espinoza , Judith Cáceres-Iglesias
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Background/purpose. This article aims to analyze the scientific literature on Global Citizenship Education (GCE) to examine whether it has educated critical citizens capable of transforming the world.
Materials/methods. This article conducts a systematic review of the existing literature on CGE in the primary social science databases in Ibero-America until 2022, using the PRISMA method (Urrutia & Bonfill, 2010). The selected documents are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively using Atlas software, which allows for identifying the main themes prevalent in research on CGE.
Results. The results showed how GCE research became more relevant over time. However, several aspects still require further research, such as GCE in formal education at non-university levels, GCE in informal and non-formal education, or educational resources for working on GCE.
Conclusion. In conclusion, it has been possible to glimpse gaps that represent new lines of research necessary to promote the formation of global citizenship that acts to transform the world into a more sustainable and humane place.
Keywords: Global Education, literature reviews, citizenship education, global citizenship education