Volume 5 Issue 4 (2016)

Asian International Students’ Perceptions of their University Experience

pp. 270-278  |  Published Online: November 2016  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2016.54.1

Cody J. Perry, Jennifer Weatherford, David Lausch


Asian students make up the largest proportion of international students who study in the United States. Seeking a degree in higher education can be challenging for any student, but Asian students often encounter more obstacles to completion than many other international and domestic students. Culture, family and health concerns, and safety are some of the largest concerns that this study found among Asian students in the US. The study found that East-Asian international students had more issues than students from other parts of Asia and difficulty with the English language was of major importance to respondents. In addition, safety is an issue that Asian students were concerned with while studying in the US. The study was exploratory in nature and informs the field on future avenues of research.

Keywords: international students, language, culture, safety, health

Knowledge and Awareness: Linear Regression

pp. 279-292  |  Published Online: November 2016  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2016.54.2

Monika Raghuvanshi


Knowledge and awareness are factors guiding development of an individual. These may seem simple and practicable, but in reality a proper combination of these is a complex task. Economically driven state of development in younger generations is an impediment to the correct manner of development. As youths are at the learning phase, they can be molded to follow a correct lifestyle. Awareness and knowledge are important components of any formal or informal environmental education. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship of these components among students of secondary/ senior secondary schools who have undergone a formal study of environment in their curricula. A suitable instrument is developed in order to measure the elements of Awareness and Knowledge among the participants of the study. Data was collected from various secondary and senior secondary school students in the age group 14 to 20 years using cluster sampling technique from the city of Bikaner, India. Linear regression analysis was performed using IBM SPSS 23 statistical tool. There exists a weak relation between knowledge and awareness about environmental issues, caused due to routine practices mishandling; hence one component can be complemented by other for improvement in both. Knowledge and awareness are crucial factors and can provide huge opportunities in any field. Resource utilization for economic solutions may pave the way for eco-friendly products and practices. If green practices are inculcated at the learning phase, they may become normal routine. This will also help in repletion of the environment.

Keywords: knowledge, awareness, youths, environment, routine

Multicultural Informational and the Educational Environment of the University

pp. 293-297  |  Published Online: November 2016  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2016.54.3

Anzhelina A. Koriakina


The development of a multicultural society as a new stage of human development suggests the importance of modern multicultural educational environment. In this regard, the questions related to the problem of multicultural virtual educational environments are very real. This study deals with the problem of multicultural informational and educational environment as a new class of multicultural educational environments in the age of global informatization and virtualization of modern society and education. The research concludes that modern multicultural informational and educational environment is characterized by tolerance, regionalization, and tendency towards stable functioning and development. In summary, it is noted that multicultural informational and educational environment contribute to the formation of the national identity of a person and provides training for the better understanding of other cultures, recognition and acceptance of cultural diversity.

Keywords: educational environment, multicultural informational, regional informational

The Relationship between Values and Critical Thinking Dispositions of Pre-Service Teachers

pp. 298-312  |  Published Online: November 2016  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2016.54.4

Mustafa Volkan Coskun, Yahya Altinkurt


This study aimed to reveal the relationship between personal values and critical thinking disposition of pre-service teachers. The study was designed using the survey model. The population of this study consisted of pre-service teachers studying at the Faculty of Education at Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey, during the 2015-2016 academic year. The sample of the study consisted of 570 pre-service teachers who were selected by using disproportionate cluster sampling technique. The data of the study were obtained through the administration of the Florida Critical Disposition Scale (UF/EMI) and University Students Values Scale (USVS). USVS was developed within the scope of the present study. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and multivariate regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The study revealed that the pre-service teachers attributed highest value to sensitivity. These values were identified to be followed with respect to diversity, trustability, and responsibility. In addition, the level of students’ critical thinking dispositions was found to be at the average level. Furthermore, the values of students explained approximately one-third of the critical-thinking dispositions. The values of sensitivity, responsibility and respect for diversity were determined to be the significant predictors of students’ critical-thinking dispositions.

Keywords: critical thinking dispositions, values, values scale, university students

Teacher Education Reform in Far East Russia: Integrating Field Experiences with Action Research

pp. 313-326  |  Published Online: November 2016  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2016.54.5

Grigory A. Kapranov, Alexander W. Chizhik, Estella W. Chizhik


In 2011, the Russian Far Eastern Federal University teacher education faculty redesigned field-experience practica to improve teacher candidates’ professional reflection, practical classroom instruction, and capacity for action research. For each academic year, faculty aspired to achieve these goals by collaborating to develop field experiences that differentiated mentoring of teacher candidates to fit with their professional goals and preparation levels. The purpose for this study is to investigate the effectiveness of this reform by comparing pre-reform senior theses to post-reform senior theses on a series of outcomes. Using a mixed-methods approach, findings indicate that post-reform teacher candidates outperformed pre-reform candidates on thesis quality. Specifically, post-reformed candidates were better able to make theoretical connections to their practice as evidenced by their action research topics and findings.

Keywords: teacher education, student teaching, field experiences, action research, senior thesis, theory into practice


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