Does Mentoring Matter? On the Way to Collaborative School Culture pp. 7-23 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.71.1 Eve Eisenschmidt, Tuuli Oder Full text PDF | Abstract | 4263 | 3697 Abstract This study investigates beginning teachers’ relationships with their mentors as well as the collaboration between beginning teachers and their colleagues after five years of practice. One of the important roles of a mentor is to support the beginning teachers’ collaboration with other teachers. Authors investigated the sustainability of the collaborative aspect of the induction program in order to determine if collaboration between beginning teachers and their mentors continues after five years of work and whether this collaboration extends to the beginning teachers’ colleagues. Open-response questions were chosen for discovering aspects related with the continuity of mentoring. More than a half of the beginning teachers continue collaboration with their mentors throughout a five-year period. These beginning teachers, whose collaboration with their mentors continues during the five years, are found to be more cooperative with other colleagues at school. One-to-one mentoring creates quality examples for teacher collaboration that are treated as the first step towards creating a professional learning community within schools. The novelty of this research lies in the longitudinal nature of the teachers who participated in the national induction year program and whose progress has been monitored throughout five years of work. Keywords: beginning teacher, mentoring, collaborative school culture |
Problems With Assessing Student Autonomy in Higher Education, an Alternative Perspective and a Role For Mentoring pp. 24-38 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.71.2 Andrew G Holmes Full text PDF | Abstract | 4625 | 3540 Abstract The paper explores, from a conceptual basis, the inherent tensions in assessing student autonomy in higher education. The author argues that, despite the development of student autonomy being a key aim of higher education, there are problems in identifying with any level of precision what it is, and that its assessment is highly problematic. An alternative perspective is provided that, with the support of mentoring processes, allows for authentic assessment. The paper is intended to stimulate debate amongst university management and academic practitioners in higher education. This is a conceptual paper considering the problematic nature of learner autonomy and the inherent difficulties in assessing it, with a practical potential solution proposed. Keywords: higher education, mentoring, curriculum and program development in education |
A Supervisor's Role in Career Planning of Doctoral Students: A Qualitative Descriptive Study pp. 39-47 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.71.3 Hale Turhan Damar, Ozlem Bilik, Yasemin Ayhan Full text PDF | Abstract | 4068 | 3317 Abstract The aim of this study is to reveal the experiences of doctoral students with their supervisors in planning their careers. A qualitative descriptive study was conducted at an Institute of Health Sciences in Turkey. A total of 16 doctoral students were interviewed in-depth (eight studied nursing, two studied biomechanics, three studied biochemistry, and three studied histology). Five themes were identified from the collected data: Satisfaction with Supervisor, Supervisor = God, Supervisor Inadequacy, Students with No Demands, and National and Institutional Obstacles. The findings of the study suggested that students have to continue their careers as academicians, and are aware that career planning is limited to participating in academic congresses, writing articles, and preparing research projects. The students stated that they do not demand anything from their supervisors with regards to planning their careers. This is related to students and supervisors having insufficient knowledge on this issue, and supervisors inadequate cooperation with the sector/industry. Keywords: doctoral students, supervisors, career planning, qualitative research |
Kosovo’s Low Performance in PISA 2015: An Explanation From a Socioeconomic Perspective pp. 48-59 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.71.4 Arif Shala, Albulene Grajcevci Full text PDF | Abstract | 4294 | 3432 Abstract This paper will analyze the performance of Kosovar students in PISA 2015 and explain the low performance from a socioeconomic standpoint. On its first participation in this assessment, Kosovo was ranked among the three lowest achieving countries. It is the argument of this paper that parental education and home possessions, both measures of socioeconomic status, determined the performance of students in Kosovo. There is compelling evidence that links student achievement and socioeconomic factors, a link that is well established in research. PISA is the first study to link student achievement in international assessments and socioeconomic factors in Kosovo and this paper is the first one research this link in the case of Kosovo. According to the PISA results, the higher the education levels of the primary caregiver, the higher the achievement of the student. In terms of home possessions, the higher the numbers of resources (Internet, computers etc.) the higher the student achievement in mathematics, reading and science. In light of this evidence, any policy that fails to account for the impact of familial socioeconomic status will not improve the education quality in Kosovo. Keywords: Kosovo, PISA 2015, socioeconomic status, parental education, low performance |
Prospective Teachers’ Views on Effective Teacher Characteristics and Their Occupational Self-efficacy Perceptions in terms of These Characteristics pp. 60-73 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.71.5 Akif Kose, Mehmet Uzun Full text PDF | Abstract | 4111 | 3456 Abstract This research aims to analyze the views of prospective teachers regarding effective teaching characteristics and the relation between their occupational self-efficacy perceptions with regard to these characteristics and to examine the relation in terms of various demographic characteristics. The research was carried out with prospective teachers who serve as candidate teachers within the Kahramanmaraş Provincial Directorate of National Education, Turkey, and who participated in the prospective teacher training program of July-August 2016. The research sample holds a total of 257 prospective teachers consisting of the whole population. Having a quantitative research design, this research used a relational screening model. The research has deployed a bi-directional scale including 41 items each. The frequency, percentage, t-test, one-way variance analysis (F statistic) was used during data analysis. Research results have displayed that the averages of teachers’ views regarding the characteristics of an effective teacher was found to be “Absolutely Necessary” ( = 4.79) and that of their occupational self-efficacy perceptions was at the level of “Completely Have” ( = 4.43). In addition, a statistically significant difference was found between the prospective teachers’ views on effective teacher characteristics and their occupational self-efficacy perceptions. However, no significant relation was determined between this difference and demographic characteristics. Keywords: prospective teacher, effective teacher characteristics, prospective teacher self-efficacy perception |
An Investigation of Predictors of Life Satisfaction among Overseas Iranian Undergraduate Students pp. 74-93 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.71.6 Razieh Tadayon Nabavi, Mohammad Sadegh Bijandi Full text PDF | Abstract | 3964 | 3504 Abstract In recent years, many young people have gone overseas to study and live at least temporarily in new countries that maybe quite different to their homeland. The aim of this study was to determine the predictors of life satisfaction among Iranian undergraduate students studying at Malaysian private universities. A total of 361 undergraduate students were identified as respondents of this study by using Multi-Stage random sampling technique. The results of the study showed that the Iranian undergraduate students were moderately satisfied with their overseas student life. Findings also showed that the results of multiple regression analyses indicated social support emerged as the strongest unique predictor of life satisfaction, followed by academic achievement, and adjustment. Findings revealed that 44.8% of the variability in life satisfaction could be predicted by social support, academic achievement, and adjustment. The results also indicated that social support significantly mediated the effect of loneliness on life satisfaction. Keywords: life satisfaction, studying abroad, social support, adjustment, academic achievement, loneliness |
The Dialogue of Cultures in the Aspect of Multicultural Education (Russian Approach) pp. 94-99 | Published Online: December 2017 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.71.7 Anzhelina A. Koriakina Full text PDF | Abstract | 3687 | 3139 Abstract The article is devoted to the problem of the dialogue of cultures in multicultural education according to the Russian approach. The role of the dialogue of cultures in multicultural education is discussed. Dialogue of cultures is considered as a basis of the concept of multicultural education. The concept “multicultural education” is considered as access to education by representatives of different ethnic groups and is increasingly used in the meaning of “multi-ethnic”. Thus, the multicultural educational system must take into account the diversity of ethnic cultures, the dialogical relationship of national and universal values. It is concluded that multicultural education based on dialogue of cultures is aimed at finding a balance between ethno-cultural diversity and social ties, at preserving and promoting the diversity of ethnic and cultural values, norms, patterns and forms of activity prevailing in the society, and at transferring this heritage to younger generations. Keywords: culture, cultural diversity, dialogue of cultures, multicultural education, multicultural society |
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