Volume 8 Issue 1 (2019)

Coaching in an Educational Setting Utilizing “Techniques of Change”: Enhancing Engagement with Learning in a Post-16 Educational Setting

pp. 7-31  |  Published Online: December 2018  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2019.81.1

Voldis Kudliskis


The purpose of this study was to explore whether or not Techniques of Change associated with Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) could enhance engagement with learning for boys in the post-16 education setting. This was an action research case study that utilized a mixed methods approach. Participants were coached by a qualified NLP practitioner and used NLP workbooks to aid and enhance understanding of “Techniques of Change” associated with NLP. Participants also engaged with a pretest and posttest questionnaire and participated in semi-structured interviews. The study predominantly sits within the interpretivist paradigm. It is a single-site, multi-voice study. “Positions of Consensus” are presented in relation to Techniques of Change enhancing boys’ engagement with learning. The outcome of this research provides some speculative evidence that Techniques of Change can enhance engagement with learning for Year 13 males. This study provides educationalists, managers, teachers and parents with an opportunity to consider how a specific form of coaching may encourage enhanced engagement and enriched learning outcomes for boys in post-16 education. This, in turn, may lead to greater positivity in their specific educational context and broader social interactions.

Keywords: coaching and education, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), techniques of change, post-16 education, ELP questionnaire

Personnel Management Practices adopted by Principals in Administration of Secondary Schools in Awka Education Zone, Anambra State, Nigeria

pp. 32-43  |  Published Online: December 2018  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2019.81.2

Nnebedum Chidi, Abadi James Lucky, Obasi Henry Ikechukwu


The study investigated the personnel management practices adopted by principals in the administration of secondary schools in Awka Education Zone, Anambra State, Nigeria. Two research questions guided the study and two hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance. Mixed research design was employed for the study. The population of the study was comprised of 1,642 respondents, with 61 principals and 1,518 teachers from the Awka Education Zone of Anambra State. Multiple stage sampling technique was used to sample 485 respondents which consisted of 30 principals and 455 teachers. The instruments for data collection were questionnaire and interview. The instrument was validated by three experts who are lecturers in the Faculty of Education at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using Cronbach alpha and it yielded reliability coefficients of .78 and .72 for Cluster I and Cluster II, respectively. The overall coefficient of the entire instrument was found to be .75. Data analysis was performed using mean and standard deviation. It was found that staff personnel management practices adopted by principals in their administration of secondary schools in the Awka Education Zone, Anambra State, include; motivating of teachers, encouraging team building so as to promote cohesiveness in the school, supervising teachers’ activities, disciplining of teachers exhibiting misconduct behaviors, delegating duties to teachers, mentoring of teachers, rendering counseling services to teachers, recommending staff for promotion, and appraising staff performances. Based on the findings, conclusions and recommendations were made.

Keywords: principals, school administration, personnel management, staff personnel management, students personnel management

Supervisor Selection, Assignment and Training Processes in the Turkish Education System

pp. 44-58  |  Published Online: October 2018  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2019.81.3

Elif Iliman Puskulluoglu, Burcu Turkkas Anasiz, Aycan Cicek Saglam


The purpose of this study is to historically evaluate the processes of supervisor selection, training and assignment in the Turkish education system . In this regard, supervisor selection, training and assignment processes are taken into consideration within three time periods; “Before 1950,” “Between 1950 and 2000,” and “After 2000.” According to the results of this theoretically designed study, the roots of educational supervision stretch back to the pre-Republic period of Turkey. At that time, there were supervision activities but supervisor selection, training and assignment processes were not systemic. With the announcement of the Turkish Republic and Teaching Consensus Law (Ögretim Birligi Yasası), enrolment rates increased and need for supervision activities became apparent. Initially, supervisor selection conditions were top of the agenda. In order to be a supervisor, being a teacher and having experience in teaching was accepted as the first condition. During the period after 2000, both the structure of supervision and the processes of supervisor selection, training and assignment were exposed to a considerable level of change through the introduction of different practices. Changes were introduced in the structure of supervision, processes of supervisor selection, training and assignment regulated by law, governmental decrees and bylaws. Supervisors firstly need to meet certain application conditions, according to the announced criteria, and then they could apply for vice-supervisor positions. After three years of training, they could take the proficiency exams held by the Ministry of National Education and, if successful, earn the right to become a supervisor. Today, it is observed that supervisors are located within a centralized structure and their work is mostly limited to investigations.

Keywords: supervisor selection, training and assignment, inspector, Turkey’s educational supervision system

Interaction between Language Testing Research and Classroom Testing Practice

pp. 59-71  |  Published Online: October 2018  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2019.81.4

Ali Mansouri Nejad, Farhad Pakdel, Ali Akbar Khansir


The existing gap between research and practice in language testing has posed a huge challenge to language teachers. In particular, this study intended to examine language testing research and classroom testing activities for their degree of interaction from Iranian EFL teachers’ points of view. The analysis drew on the questionnaire developed by Nassaji (2012), which consists of quantitative and qualitative sections. The data were collected from 200 language institute teachers in Bushehr, Iran. The findings indicated that most of the teachers confirmed their familiarity with language testing research, while only a few believed that they were able to conduct or publish testing research. Although the participants acknowledged that the information gained from reading language testing could be valuable for their testing performances, they found their experience more relevant than knowledge gained from language testing research. This study also illustrated that there is a growing consensus among teachers in that there should be collaboration between researchers and teachers in testing practices.

Keywords: language testing research, EFL teachers, classroom testing practice, teachers’ perceptions, research and practice

Professional Training of Border Guards in Ukraine: Challenges and Opportunities Related to Emerging Security Threats

pp. 72-84  |  Published Online: November 2018  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2019.81.5

Nataliya V. Bhinder


Professional training of border guards is closely connected with Ukraine’s national development, its stability and economic prosperity. Due to emerging security threats, the training of future border guards in Ukraine has recently undergone radical changes including the reconsideration of professional competence. According to its reviewed profile, professional competence of border guards means integral unity of knowledge, skills, personal qualities, and values that help them perform their professional duties. Professional competence of border guards is the desired result of their training. The content of professional training for border guards is therefore an important aspect. Changes in the tasks facing the border agency has caused significant rethinking of training content for border guards, resulting in new subjects, sections, modules and topics. As information has to be transferred effectively to trainees, a range of teaching techniques was innovated in order to achieve the pedagogical intention. The innovative techniques include simulation technologies, horizontal learning, innovative lectures, training courses, information and communication technologies, interactive technologies, as well as game-based and project-based learning. These techniques are proven to be more effective in comparison to traditional methods. Despite some unresolved issues, the system of professional training for border guards in Ukraine has shown outstanding results. Further development and improvement will lead to the formation of professional competence of border guards at the desired high level.

Keywords: content, future border guard officers, professional competence, security threats, techniques

The Problem of Ethnic Tolerance Development among Students

pp. 85-90  |  Published Online: November 2018  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2019.81.6

Anzhelina A. Koriakina


The article is devoted to understanding of the importance of the formation of a positive ethnic identity among students and the development of their ethnic tolerance. The formation of tolerance is considered as a key task of forming a full-fledged personality. To identify the degree of tolerance a study among full-time North-Eastern federal university (NEFU) students is conducted. The degree of ethnic tolerance is assessed on the base of the following criteria: the level of "negativity" in relation to one's own and other ethnic groups, the threshold of emotional response to other ethnic environment, and the severity of aggressive and hostile reactions to other groups. It is revealed that the majority of students of the NEFU have a positive ethnic identity and are inclined to tolerance but there is some percentage of students who are not so positive. It is concluded that the preventive activity of the university should be manifested in educational and extracurricular activities, focused on the formation of tolerant experience, and in the multicultural education as a method of developing ethnic tolerance.

Keywords: tolerance, multicultural education, ethnic identity, interethnic relations


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