Volume 5 Issue 1 (2016)

Attachment Styles as Predictors of Stigma Tendency in Adults

pp. 7-21  |  Published Online: November 2015  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.51.1

Cem Gencoglu, Nursel Topkaya, Ertugrul Sahin, Leyla Kaya


The purpose of this study was to examine the association between attachment styles and stigma in adults. Participants were 361 adults (186 females and 175 males) aged between 18 and 69 (M=31.77, SD=9.45). Participants completed the measurement instruments for determining their stigmatizing tendencies and attachment styles. Study results showed that, stigma tendencies of people with the secure attachment style are lower for the discrimination and exclusion, prejudgment and psychological health dimensions, and are higher for people with the fearful attachment style for the discrimination and exclusion, labeling and psychological health dimensions. Preoccupied and dismissive attachment styles are also positively associated with prejudgment tendency. Finally, stigma tendencies of males are more likely to be higher than females for the discrimination and exclusion, labeling and psychological health dimensions. Because different attachment styles are related variously to the subscales of stigma in this study, interventions to decrease stigma of individuals can verge to enhancing the quality of mother-child interactions.

Keywords: attachment styles, stigma, guidance, adults, counseling

Violence in Animated Feature Films: Implications for Children

pp. 22-37  |  Published Online: October 2015  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.51.2

Mustafa Turkmen


Cartoons and animated films occupy a significant proportion of a child’s viewing time, but may be considered questionable in terms of their content. Although parents prefer such films in order to shield their children from daily problems and potentially harmful images in the media, examination of their content has so far been limited. In this study, violence depicted in popular animated cinema films was analyzed using content analysis, tabulating categories and frequency. Twenty-three animated films from among the 100 highest-grossing feature films of all time were examined. Results indicated that the most violent physical elements were punching and kicking, the most violent verbal elements were taunting and threatening and there were 18 scenes of killing. It is concluded that the frequency of the violence shown in some of the animated films may be disturbing for the healthy mental development of young children. 

Keywords: violence, animated cartoons, feature films, influence on children

Determining the Factors of Social Phobia Levels of University Students: A Logistic Regression Analysis

pp. 38-53  |  Published Online: November 2015  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.51.3

Hamit Ozen


Experiencing social phobia is an important factor which can hinder academic success during university years. In this study; research of social phobia with several variables is conducted among university students. The research group of the study consists of total 736 students studying at various departments at universities in Turkey. Students are divided into two groups, as low and high level positive evaluation fear (PEF) as measured by the Positive Evaluation Fear Scale (PEFS). In respect to Odds rates, the most crucial factor about PEF of students is the time spent daily on the internet. Students who spend their time on the internet have PEF 2.4 times more than those who do not. As a secondary important factor according to negative evaluation fear scale (NEFS), students consider the home city where they lived before attending university increases phobia 30% more than the rate of people who think otherwise. Thus, results showed that spending long hours on the internet and home city lived in before university are significant factors resulting in social phobia.

Keywords: social phobia, university students, positive evaluation fear, negative evaluation fear, logistic regression

The Relationship Between Metacognitive Skills and Motivation of University Students

pp. 54-64  |  Published Online: October 2015  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.51.4

Aytunga Oguz, Neriman Ataseven


The aim of study is to determine the relationship between metacognitive skills and motivation of students in the education faculty. Research in correlational survey method includes 520 university students. “Metacognitive Skills Scale” and “Academic Motivation Scale” are used for data collection. Descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, t test, ANOVA were used for data analysis. According to findings, there is a positive and significant relationship in low level between metacognitive skills and IMTK, IMTA, IMES, EMID, EMIN, and EMER and a negative and significant relationship in low level between metacognitive skills and AMOT. A significant difference is found on students’ metacognitive skills according to grade, status of reading in a month and whether or not having taken a lesson on learning strategies. Furthermore, a significant difference in students’ EMID, EMIN, and AMOT according to gender and field, in IMTK, IMTA, IMES, and AMOT according to status of reading in a month and in IMTA and IMES according to whether or not having taken lessons on learning strategies was found.

Keywords: metacognition, metacognitive skills, motivation, preservice teacher, teacher training

Ability, Examination and Inclusive Education: Stretching the Hard Lines of the Educational System

pp. 65-75  |  Published Online: October 2015  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.51.5

Halis Sakiz


The aim of this paper is to delve into the debate about the epistemological nature of ability and examination, which we have been continuously exposed to, but rarely scrutinized. In the paper, I refer to Turkey as a case and argue that the dominance of ability-based paradigm and its associated assessment and placement systems have created a new educational order which categorizes schools and students based on how they perform at a single point in time. What is more, I critically evaluate the construction of “abilities” and “disabilities” through the means employed in the education system, followed by a discussion of the examination culture as a product of an ability-based system. Finally, I propose inclusive education as a powerful means of transforming the education system to an equitable and educationally effective one in which all students are welcomed and provided with education of good quality that both enriches childhood and maximizes chances of leading a fulfilled adult life.

Keywords: ability-based education, examination culture, inclusive education, equity

Mentoring in Gifted Student’s Education and a Model Suggestion

pp. 76-90  |  Published Online: November 2015  |  DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2016.51.6

Lutfu Cakir, Ibrahim Kocabas


The purpose of this study is to examine the mentoring process in the education of gifted students and to develop a model applicable for the Turkish Educational System. The data of the study were collected through a literature review and focus group interviews. The study was conducted on one public and one private education institution for gifted students in Istanbul, Turkey. Purposeful sampling method was used in this study. A total of nine group interviews were carried out on 43 shareholders, the administrators, teachers, parents and student sub-groups, of the institutions in the sample group. The interviews were recorded and the recordings transcribed and analyzed through content analysis. As a result of the study, the establishment of a mentoring model was suggested under the Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Special Education Guidance and Counseling Services, Department of Special Talents Development and issues such as model development, mentor and service area selection, matching, system operation and feedback were examined in detail.

Keywords: gifted students, mentoring, education, mentor, model suggestion


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