The Relationship between the Environmental Awareness, Environmental Attitude, Curiosity and Exploration in Highly Gifted Students: Structural Equation Modelling pp. 7-17 | Published Online: September 2015 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2015.412.1 Hakan Saricam, Suleyman Hilmi Sahin Full text PDF | Abstract | 5714 | 4752 Abstract The basic purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between environmental awareness, environmental attitude, curiosity and exploration in highly gifted students with structural equation modelling. The secondary aim was to compare highly gifted and non-gifted students’ environmental awareness, environmental attitude, curiosity and exploration levels. Participants were 311 (154 highly gifted, 157 non-gifted) secondary school students in Turkey who volunteered to take part in this study. All of the participants were either 13 or 14 years old, with a mean age of 13.77 years. For gathering data, Environmental Awareness Scale, Environmental Attitude Scale, Curiosity and Exploration-II were used. While analyzing the data, Pearson correlation analysis, independent samples t test, and structural equation model were used. According to the findings, highly gifted students’ environmental awareness, environmental attitude, curiosity and exploration scores were higher than non-gifted students’. Indices of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) indicated that the increase in the curiosity and exploration scores of the highly gifted children increased the environmental awareness; in this case, the environmental attitudes were affected positively. Keywords: curiosity and exploration, environmental awareness, environmental attitude |
Ostracism among Gifted Adolescents: A Preliminary Study in Turkey pp. 18-30 | Published Online: August 2015 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2015.412.2 Uzeyir Ogurlu Full text PDF | Abstract | 5226 | 5405 Abstract Ostracism has an influence on psychological and social functioning. The aim of this study is to examine ostracism among gifted students, with regard to gender and grade levels. Also, the relationship between ostracism and intelligence level was investigated. The study was conducted in a gifted education center, with 94 gifted students who were attending middle school (grades 5-8). The Ostracism Experience Scale for Adolescents and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised Form were employed as data collection tools. According to the findings obtained from the study, it is concluded that ostracism did not differ in terms of gender among gifted students. Besides, being socially excluded may be higher in 8th grades than 6th and 7th grades. Also in the study, a positive correlation was found between intelligence level and ostracism. Discussion and suggestions were also provided based on the results. Keywords: gifted students, ostracism, exclusion, adolescents |
The Relationship between Teachers’ Occupational Professionalism and Organizational Alienation pp. 31-44 | Published Online: May 2015 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2015.412.3 Yilmaz Ilker Yorulmaz, Yahya Altinkurt, Kursad Yilmaz Full text PDF | Abstract | 8763 | 5223 Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between occupational professionalism and organizational alienation levels of teachers. The study is designed as a survey model. The sample of the study consists of 303 teachers working in the Mugla province of Turkey. Participants were selected by using the disproportionate cluster sampling technique. Data was collected through the application of the Teachers’ Occupational Professionalism Scale and the Work Alienation Scale. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and correlation analyses were used to analyze the data. Based on the findings, the participant teachers’ level of occupational professionalism is high. Among the occupational professionalism dimensions, teachers consider they have professional awareness the most. This is followed by emotional labor, contribution to organization, and personal development. Teachers’ occupational professionalism differ according to gender and school type variables, while it does not differ according to seniority and time in service at the current school. The participant teachers’ organizational alienation is low. Among the alienation dimensions, teachers consider alienating the school the most, even if its level is low. This is followed respectively by powerlessness, isolation and meaninglessness dimensions. Teachers’ organizational alienation differs according to gender, school type, seniority and time in service at the current school variables. There are significant relationships between alienation and occupational professionalism levels of teachers. Keywords: occupational professionalism, teacher, organizational alienation, professionalism |
Investigating Pre-service Social Studies Teachers’ Global Social Responsibility Level pp. 45-55 | Published Online: June 2015 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2015.412.4 Enis Harun Baser, Emin Kilinc Full text PDF | Abstract | 4197 | 3893 Abstract The purpose of this research is to investigate pre-service social studies teachers’ global social responsibility levels from national, action-oriented, altruistic, and ecological aspects by considering gender, course year, academic success level, membership of a non-governmental organization, and where they lived before attending university. The author applied the descriptive survey model for this study in order to investigate pre-service social studies teachers’ global social responsibility level. Participants of the study were selected through cluster random sampling from public universities in the Marmara, Aegean, and Central Anatolia regions of Turkey. The sample of the study consisted of 463 pre-service social studies teachers enrolled at either Afyon Kocatepe University, Usak University, Anadolu University, or Istanbul University. In order to analyze the data, one-way variance analysis (ANOVA), multiple comparison test (Post-Hoc) and independent samples t-test were used. The results indicated that there was no significant difference on participants’ global social responsibility level by considering gender and course year. However, the results showed that pre-service social studies teachers who are members of any non-profit organization have higher levels of action-oriented responsibility, ecologic responsibility, and altruistic responsibility, than those who are not. Moreover, pre-service social studies teachers who lived in middle-sized city prior to attending university have more global social responsibility than those who lived in a village. Keywords: global social responsibility, pre-service teacher, responsibility |
A Situational Analysis of Educational Supervision in the Turkish Educational System pp. 56-70 | Published Online: September 2015 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2015.412.5 Tuncay Yavuz Ozdemir, Ramazan Yirci Full text PDF | Abstract | 6010 | 5254 Abstract The purpose of this study is to conduct a situational analysis on the educational supervisions carried out within the Turkish educational system. Content analysis was used in this study, which is one of the qualitative research methods. An interview form was prepared by the researchers in accordance with the study purpose and expert opinion sought to ensure content and face validity. Findings of the study show that; supervision is necessary for an increase in educational quality, sustainability of educational worker development, determination and elimination of possible deficiencies, to ensure not falling behind developments in the educational system, and to collaborate within the school. It has been determined that the agents who carry out the supervision should have professional competencies, should be able to enter into effective communication, should be able to spare enough time for supervision and follow the principles of equality. In addition, the importance of effective and sufficient guidance and parental participation was highlighted. In a change to the Turkish educational system in 2014, the authority and responsibility of supervision was assigned to the school principals. Because it would decrease the psychological pressure that supervision imposes on educational workers, and enable a positive atmosphere for communication over a prolonged period, this change was believed to be beneficial overall. According to another standpoint, because school principals lack professional competencies regarding educational supervision and do not follow the principles of equality, this change instead was believed to be unfavorable. Keywords: educational supervision, supervision, inspector, effective supervision |
Students’ Attitudes Towards Collaborative Tools In A Virtual Learning Environment pp. 71-86 | Published Online: November 2015 | DOI: 10.12973/edupij.2015.412.6 Serife Kalayci, Kim Raymond Humiston Full text PDF | Abstract | 5261 | 5038 Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate prep class university students’ attitudes towards collaborative tools used in Moodle. Also it was aimed to find out whether or not there is a difference in students’ attitudes towards traditional and collaborative activities. The participants of the study, 28 non-English major university students, who had three-hours of Self Access Centre lessons per week, used a virtual learning environment named ‘Moodle’ for two hours each week. In order to investigate the attitudes, the participants were administered a computer readiness scale at the beginning of the study. At the end, a questionnaire was administered, and to support the data, screenshots of the activities were taken and twelve participants were interviewed. Results show that the collaborative tools in the virtual learning environment have significant positive effects according to the participants’ opinions. The students have significantly positive attitudes towards the collaborative tools, although they have not had enough experience of collaborative work. Also the students do not reflect positive attitudes towards traditional activities and, accordingly do not use them much. Keywords: virtual learning environment, collaborative tools, students’ attitudes |
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