ChatGPT’s Integration in GCC Higher Education: Bibliometric Analysis of Trends
pp. 69-84 | Published Online: October 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2024.133.4
Tosin Ekundayo , Zafarullah Khan , Shahid Ali Chaudhry
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Background/Purpose. The integration of ChatGPT within higher education holds significant potential for enhancing learning through personalized, adaptive, and interactive educational experiences. This study’s aims were to investigate how academic engagement with ChatGPT in higher education has evolved within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The objective was to identify key trends, benefits, challenges, and implications of adopting this technology in higher education systems across the region. Materials/Methods. This study employed a bibliometric analysis of publications indexed in the Scopus database, focusing on those related to ChatGPT and higher education. VOSviewer software was used to generate network and overlay visualizations of key research topics and their co-occurrence patterns over time. Constructivist learning theory was applied as the theoretical framework to contextualize the findings and explore how ChatGPT can be used to support personalized learning in higher education. Results. The analysis revealed that ChatGPT and artificial intelligence are central to the academic discourse on AI in higher education, particularly in GCC countries, with notable increases seen in research output over recent years. Key findings include the positive impact of ChatGPT on personalized learning and student engagement, as well as the growing focus on ethical concerns such as data privacy and bias. The study also identified strong interdisciplinary connections, with AI research in education intersecting with fields such as computer science, linguistics, and cognitive science. |
Conclusion. The findings suggest that ChatGPT is becoming increasingly relevant and influential in higher education, particularly in the GCC region, where its adoption aligns with ongoing educational reforms and technological advancements. However, addressing ethical challenges and ensuring equitable access to AI-driven tools are crucial in order to maximize the positive impact of ChatGPT on learning outcomes. The study provides valuable insights for educators, educational policymakers, and academic researchers on the effective integration of AI technologies within higher education.
Keywords: ChatGPT in higher education, artificial intelligence in education, GCC countries, bibliometric analysis, educational technology integration
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