Volume 13 Issue 3 (2024)

ChatGPT Integration in Higher Education: Impacts on Teaching and Professional Development of University Professors

pp. 22-39  |  Published Online: October 2024  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2024.133.2

Elmedina Nikoçeviq-Kurti , Lirika Bërdynaj-Syla


Background/purpose: The integration of ChatGPT in education shows great potential, but its success depends upon educators’ technological skills, their ability to adapt to new teaching tools, and a willingness to embrace AI as part of their instructional strategies. This qualitative study investigates the integration of AI, specifically ChatGPT, into lecture and lesson planning by faculty members in Kosovo. The study examines how ChatGPT contributes to their professional development and how it influences their higher education teaching practices.

Materials/methods: This study employed qualitative case study methodology, interviewing 10 faculty members (seven females, three males) from public and private universities in Kosovo to explore their use of AI in teaching. The participants, aged 38 to 52 years old, represent mid-career to late-career professionals with 3 to 13 years of teaching experience, and deemed likely more open to the adoption of new technologies. Data from email interviews were analyzed according to thematic analysis, with codes organized into broad themes to identify patterns and relationships.

Results: The findings indicate that faculty members view ChatGPT as a valuable tool for streamlining time-intensive teaching tasks, such as generating content ideas, creating engaging activities, and providing resources. This support was perceived to enhance their efficiency, contributing to more dynamic and interactive lectures. Faculty members raised concerns that ChatGPT’s integration may reduce student engagement in independent learning and critical thinking.

Conclusion: To enhance ChatGPT’s integration in academia, it is essential to provide diverse information sources and to develop comprehensive professional development programs that cover technical skills and ethical considerations. This study emphasizes the need for ongoing training to raise awareness of ChatGPT’s applications and ethical implications, while promoting collaboration among educators to share best practices.  

Keywords: ChatGPT, AI, university faculty members, technology, professional development, lesson preparation


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