Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education: A Case Study on ChatGPT’s Influence on Student Learning Behaviors
pp. 105-121 | Published Online: May 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2024.132.7
Thuy Nhu Thi Nguyen , Nam Van Lai , Quyet Thi Nguyen
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Background/purpose. The integration of ChatGPT at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE) aims to transform teaching and learning dynamics. This research evaluates ChatGPT’s impact on student learning behaviors, exploring its potential to enhance educational outcomes while addressing ethical concerns. Materials/methods. A mixed-methods approach was used, involving 73 first and second-year students from HCMUTE selected through stratified random sampling. Data were collected via electronic surveys and semi-structured interviews with 15 faculty members. Quantitative data were analyzed using IBM’s SPSS, while qualitative data were thematically analyzed. Results. ChatGPT is widely adopted by students for learning and information searches, with many also finding it reliable for academic tasks such as idea generation and assignment completion. However, concerns about overreliance were noted, which may hinder independent thinking and critical evaluation skills. Issues related to academic dishonesty, reduced creativity, and ethical problems such as plagiarism and information security were also identified. |
Conclusion. ChatGPT significantly impacts student learning behaviors. Whilst it offers benefits in accessibility and efficiency, its integration requires a balanced approach in order to maximize benefits whilst mitigating risks. This study highlights the need for stringent policies to ensure ethical usage and to promote independent learning. Future research should focus on the long-term impacts of AI tools on educational outcomes and ethical implementation frameworks.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, AI, ChatGPT, educational technology, higher education, student behavior
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