An Analysis of School-Based Management on Learning Achievement in Senegal Primary Education
pp. 72-89 | Published Online: June 2024 | DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2024.132.5
Yudai Ishii and Keiichi Ogawa
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Background/purpose. School-based management (SBM) has gained international attention for the promotion of student learning and educational development. Senegal is one of the initiatives of French-speaking African countries that adopted the move towards promoting SBM at the school level, but lacks substantial evidence of its effectiveness in enhancing educational quality. In addition, there has yet to be a clear consensus on the heterogeneity of SBM on learning achievement. This study aimed to examine the influences of SBM characteristics on learning achievement and investigate the relationship between them and students’ gender status in Senegal primary education. Materials/methods. The study adapted the framework on what matters most in marginalized autonomy and school accountability for better education results. It linked autonomy and accountability, requiring parents and the community to participate in and trust the school. The study applied a multilevel regression model using the cross-sectional dataset of Program d’Analyse des Systemes Educatifs de la Confemen (PASEC) 2019 learning achievements survey. Results. The study revealed that parental and community participation has a positive and statistically significant association with reading scores regardless of student gender. On the other hand, a positive correlation was found regarding information sharing with parents, and a negative correlation concerning school autonomy, but with no significant relationship to reading scores. |
Conclusion. Participation from parents and the community can improve student learning and mitigate learning gaps in gender status. The findings of this study are expected to provide insight into narrowing the gap in student learning, especially for neighboring countries facing similar issues to Senegal
Keywords: School-based management, learning achievement, primary education, gender equality, Senegal
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