Volume 11 Issue 4 (2022)

The Contribution of Teaching Practice to Preservice Teachers’ Training – Empirical Research of the Department of Primary Education of Western Macedonia University Students’ Evaluation

pp. 92-111  |  Published Online: December 2022  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2022.114.5

Pavlos Stavridis, Vasiliki Papadopoulou


Background/purpose – Teaching practice is an essential and integral part of preservice teacher training. In this study, we investigated its role in guiding and supporting student work, and whether or not it contributed to their successful completion of a teacher education program.

Materials/methods – Evaluation was conducted by preservice teachers, who constituted a stable sample throughout the research (approx. 130 students per stage), as they were directly involved and deemed the most competent to evaluate the program. Three different semi-structured questionnaires, with quantitative (closed-ended 5-point, Likert-type scale items) and qualitative variables (open-ended questions) included.

Results – The research data showed that a connection between pedagogical theory and practical application in the classroom was achieved to a satisfactory degree. The preservice teachers recognized the importance of reflecting on the educational process during the final stage of their teaching practice, when they are required to teach on a daily basis. A number of issues were also identified; most importantly, mastering the subject matter of science courses and overcoming the difficulties faced in teaching those subjects.

Conclusion – Based on the study’s results and in comparison with previous related research, we find that the evolution of the Teacher Training Program has shown improvement and is perceived more positively by preservice teachers. However, there are still several aspects that require further change and improvement in order to provide preservice teachers with the best and most comprehensive training possible.

Keywords: teacher education, teaching practice program, initial teacher training, preservice teacher training


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