Volume 11 Issue 2 (2022)

The Precarization of Educational Labor: The Examination of Teachers’ Job Insecurity Perceptions

pp. 60-95  |  Published Online: June 2022  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2022.112.4

Ibrahim Colak, Yahya Altinkurt


Background/purpose – In this study, the precarization of educational labor was identified in terms of teachers’ job insecurity perceptions. The purpose of the study was to examine the job insecurity perceptions of teachers with permanent, fixed-term, or temporary contracts.

Materials/methods – Multiple case design was used in the study. The data of the study were collected from 30 teachers through semi-structured interviews and from 432 teachers using the Teachers’ Job Insecurity Scale, which was developed within the scope of the study. Thematic analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Sidak test, and clustering analysis were used in the analysis of the obtained data.

Results – The study’s results revealed that teachers perceived intense explicit and implicit job insecurity. Clustering analyses showed that 69% of the participants perceived moderate and high levels of both explicit and implicit job insecurity, whereas 73% perceived moderate and high levels of general job insecurity. Job insecurity had social, psychological, and educational effects. Justification of insecurity, instrumental use of power against job insecurity, acquiescence of job insecurity, and acceptance of job insecurity caused structuration of job insecurity.

Conclusion – The study’s findings indicate that all teachers should be employed on a permanent contractual basis in order to reduce their perceptions of job insecurity and its effects. The autonomy of teachers within the teaching process should be increased, their employment benefits improved, and they should be economically empowered.

Keywords: precarization, job insecurity, educational labor, teacher


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