Volume 11 Issue 1 (2022)

Trends for the Segregation Practices of International Students: A Review of Higher Education in Turkey

pp. 86-104  |  Published Online: March 2022  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2022.111.6

Tugba Hosgorur, Ilker Aysel


Background/purpose - This study aims to explain international student mobility within Turkish higher education in terms of the push-pull factors that affect students’ choices to attend Turkey based on international students studying at a provincial university in Mugla, Turkey.

Materials/methods - The current study was implemented through a qualitative approach originated from the interpretivist paradigm. This qualitative study is a case study, with data collected through semi-structured interviews.

Results - The reasons pushing students to study abroad were observed as economic such as due to high unemployment rates in their country of origin; political issues such as a state of war; educational issues such as low quality education; or personal issues such as a wish to experience a different culture.

Conclusion - The reasons behind choosing Turkey for higher education were observed to be economic factors such as Turkey’s low-cost living; political factors such as bureaucratic regulations being more accommodating for students recognised as refugees; educational factors. Such as superior quality higher education; and, geographical and cultural proximity.

Keywords: International students, segregation, higher education, push-pull factors, higher education policies.


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