Volume 7 Issue 3 (2018)

The Correlation of Metacognitive Skills and Learning Results Toward Students’ Retention of Biology Learning: Students Learning Only to Pass Examinations

pp. 171-179  |  Published Online: September 2018  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2018.73.1

Maria Yasinta Afoan, Aloysius Duran Corebima


This research was conducted in order to uncover the correlation of metacognitive skills and learning results toward students’ cognitive retention at the implementation of SQ3R integrated with RQA, SQ3R, RQA and conventional learning. This descriptive-correlational research was conducted twice. The research population was all students of class XI Senior High Schools in Malang in the 2017/2018 academic year. The first research samples were the students of class XI Science 2, and 3 of Senior High School 5 Malang as well as Class XI Science 1, and 3 of Senior High School 9. The second research samples were the students of class XI Science 3, and 4 of Senior High School 5 Malang as well as class XI Science 2, and 3 of Senior High School 9. The results of the correlation regression analysis showed a correlation between metacognitive skills and learning results toward students’ retention at the implementation of the RQA learning model. There was no correlation found related to the implementation of SQ3R integrated with RQA, SQ3R, and conventional learning. The factor that might have caused this phenomena to occur is students learning only in order to pass the examination.

Keywords: conventional learning, learning results, metacognitive skills, retention, RQA, SQ3R


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