Volume 11 Issue 2 (2022)

Examination of the Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Psychological Resilience in Preschool Teachers

pp. 114-129  |  Published Online: June 2022  |  DOI: 10.22521/edupij.2022.112.6

Hatice Ozaslan, Rabia Seyma Gun, Gulumser Gultekin Akduman


Background/purpose – This paper investigated the relationship between childhood trauma and psychological resilience in preschool teachers. The study also determined whether psychological resilience depended on age.

Materials/methods – The study adopted a correlational survey model. The sample consisted of 268 preschool teachers. Data were collected using a demographic characteristics questionnaire named the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ-33), and the Adult Resilience Measure (ARM-R).

Results – The study’s results showed that higher CTQ-33 emotional abuse, emotional neglect, sexual abuse, and total CTQ-33 subscale scores have correspondingly lower ARM-R total and subscale scores. The results also showed that higher physical abuse, physical neglect, and overprotection–overcontrol subscale scores have correspondingly lower ARM-R relational resources, personal resources, and familial resources subscale and total ARM-R scores. There was no correlation found between the CTQ-33 physical abuse, physical neglect, and overprotection–overcontrol subscale scores and the ARM-R cultural and contextual resources subscale scores. The results showed that age did not affect the participants’ ARM-R subscale or total scores.

Conclusion – The study’s results revealed a negative correlation between childhood trauma and psychological resilience. Age did not affect psychological resilience levels.

Keywords: childhood trauma, psychological resilience, preschool teacher


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